20th Anniversary International Exhibition on Agriculture - AgroWorld Uzbekistan 2025

11 - 13 March 2025, Uzexpocentre NEC / Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Greenhouses around Tashkent heated by coal are equipped with purification systems

More than 1,200 coal-fired greenhouses located around Tashkent will be equipped with dust collectors and gas cleaning systems. The use of fuel oil for heat and electricity production will be permitted only by decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers. Air quality monitors and boards will be installed around the city.

The use of fuel oil for heat and electricity production will be prohibited in Tashkent and the adjacent territory of the Tashkent region from 2030. This is stated in the decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated September 24 "On priority measures to combat dust storms and improve the quality of atmospheric air".

At the same time, starting from the autumn-winter season of 2025, the use of fuel oil as a reserve fuel by heat and electricity production enterprises will be permitted only on the basis of a decree of the Cabinet of Ministers, adopted annually based on weather and technological conditions.

To reduce the negative impact on the environment of coal fuel used in more than 1,200 greenhouses around Tashkent, dust collection and gas cleaning equipment will be installed. Greenhouse farms will be provided with subsidies for the installation of such equipment.

In 2025-2030, a "green belt" and "green gardens" will be created on an area of ​​441 hectares in Tashkent and in the adjacent territories of the capital region.

From January 1, 2025, work should begin on the installation of automated small stations for background monitoring in all 12 districts of Tashkent.

From January 1, 2026, information on the level of air pollution and hydrometeorological data will be published on special monitors and boards in the capital.

From 2028, the use and sale of motor fuels with an environmental category below the Euro-4 standard will also be gradually restricted in the country.

Let us recall that in January, the President instructed the government to finally abandon AI-80 gasoline (which complies with the Euro-2 standard) from 2025.

Uzbekneftegaz reported that the Bukhara Oil Refinery would start producing more AI-91 gasoline and higher from November-December in order to abandon the production of AI-80 from next year.