The state will cover greenhouses up to 20% of the costs of purchasing a coal boiler
In order to increase the efficiency of greenhouse farms in Uzbekistan, it is proposed to reimburse them 50% of the costs of attracting individual foreign specialists and up to 20% of the costs of purchasing a coal boiler.It is planned to reimburse greenhouses in Uzbekistan part of the costs of purchasing a coal boiler. This was discussed at a meeting with the president on Friday.
According to the press service of the head of state, in recent years the area of greenhouses has increased by 2.6 times, and the volume of production - more than 3 times. This industry employs 80 thousand people permanently and 70 thousand on a seasonal basis.
In order to increase the efficiency of greenhouse farms, it is proposed to reimburse them 50% of the costs of attracting qualified foreign agronomists, entomologists and laboratory specialists, as well as up to 20% of the costs of purchasing a coal boiler.
The meeting also discussed plans to create a Research Institute of Fiber Crops, which will conduct research in new areas in this area.
Based on their results, it is planned to introduce new technologies and equipment into the field. It is expected that the effective connection between science and production will increase the profitability of cotton and textile enterprises, and will also ensure that products obtained from cotton, hemp and flax comply with international standards.
Earlier, the EastFruit portal reported that Turkmen greenhouse tomatoes have completely displaced Uzbek tomatoes from the Tajikistan market. Tomatoes in Moldova and Tajikistan are cheaper than in Uzbekistan, which has almost caught up with Poland in terms of tomato prices. One of the main reasons is the ban on the use of natural gas in greenhouses and the forced transition to coal heating, which "completely changed the economy of the greenhouse business and sharply reduced the efficiency of growing greenhouse vegetables." At the same time, Uzbekistan has one of the largest gas reserves in the world and until recently was a major gas exporter.
Another reason is the high level of debt of greenhouse complexes in Uzbekistan in foreign currency, which, against the background of the devaluation of the national currency, often led to the impossibility of servicing the debt and the actual bankruptcy of producers. The owners of greenhouses have already extended the terms of loan repayment several times. The last time, in August last year, the president extended the loan repayment period for 2.2 trillion soums for 1,000 greenhouse farms.
In February 2023, we reported that in order to save gas, some greenhouses, cement and brick factories, kindergartens, schools and hospitals would begin to switch to coal fuel. In total, in 2023, it was planned to switch 5,407 social facilities, 1,147 greenhouses and 250 factories to coal.
Earlier, the Ministry of Ecology told that instead of a "green" ring around Tashkent, a "gray" ring of greenhouses has actually formed, which run on coal and pollute the air. In total, 631 greenhouses operate around the capital on an area of 1,314 hectares. According to the ministry's analysis, the number of greenhouses has increased by 2.5 times over the past five years (in the Tashkent region - by 2 times), and 60% of greenhouses use coal as the main source of heating.