Press releases
The 18th AgroWorld Uzbekistan 2023 International Agriculture Exhibition will deploy its exposition from March 15 to 17, 2023 at the Uzexpocentre NEC, in Pavilions No. 1, 2, and Atrium Hall 1.
The event is organized by Iteca Exhibitions International Exhibition Company and its partner ICA Eurasia Group.
AgroWorld Uzbekistan is a unique exhibition presenting the entire production value chain of the agricultural industry on one platform, from the latest developments in the field of breeding and crop cultivation to the final consumer products. It is important that the exhibition is held at the beginning of the crop growing season therefore many local farmers will have the opportunity to apply new equipment and technologies this year.
The Government is implementing the programme on agricultural development, implementation of new technologies and innovations, including those aimed at increasing the export potential of agricultural producers. Agriculture is among the leading sectors of the Uzbek economy, accounting for around 21.4% of GDP.
AgroWorld Uzbekistan is not a static demonstration; it is rather a flexible platform meeting demands of the evolving market. This is evidenced by a wide range of subsectors of the agricultural industry presented at the exhibition, a variety of samples and purposes of displayed equipment and technologies. The theme of the exhibition will be split in several pavilions:
Pavilion 1: Grain, Animal Feed, Greenhouses, Gardening
- Equipment for storage and processing of grains and legumes, production of flour, pasta and animal feed. Oil crops. Special equipment.
- Agricultural practices for growing, storing and processing fruits and vegetables. Sorting and packing.
- Construction of greenhouses, climate control, warehouse equipment, irrigation. Fertilizers, seeds, seedlings.
Pavilion 2: Poultry, Livestock, Veterinary Medicine
Genetics, hatching eggs, equipment for poultry farms and meat processing shops. Equipment for slaughter and primary processing of raw meat, equipment for livestock and poultry farms. Technologies for fisheries.
As many as 172 companies and brands from 20 countries have confirmed their participation in this year`s exhibitions, including: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Jordan, Iran, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, PRC, Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkiye, and Uzbekistan. Foreign participants represent 91% of the exhibitors, while local companies are mostly represented by producers of fertilizers and animal feed.
It is pleasant to see that this year the geography of participants has expanded. The companies from Jordan, Serbia and Slovenia will come with their debut participation.
For the first time at the AgroWorld Uzbekistan, the national exposition of the Netherlands will be presented with 23 companies that will demonstrate equipment for poultry farms and intensive animal husbandry, hatching egg production, ventilation systems for potato storage, cold storing, orchard design, fertilizers and biological protection of plants, greenhouses, vegetable seeds, storage and packaging of fruits and vegetables and much more.
Turkiye will traditionally take part with a national exposition presenting a wide range of products and equipment: greenhouses, irrigation equipment, plant nutrition, soil biological additives, technologies for greenhouses; flour milling equipment and plants, flour quality control devices, milling equipment, grain storage and processing equipment; fodder production technologies, grain analyzers; equipment for poultry farms, and slaughter equipment.
A number of European companies will present solutions for fruit production, storing, processing and packaging, which is very relevant for domestic producers, since fruits is one of the main agricultural exports of Uzbekistan: FrigorTec GmbH – fruit freezing (Germany), EHO d.o.o. - refrigerators for fruit and meat storage (Poland), Greefa - fruit packaging (the Netherlands) and many others.
Russian regions will participate with their collective stands: Novosibirsk and Smolensk regions, as well as the Southern Region of the Russian Federation. The companies will present equipment and integrated solutions for feed production and oil extraction; ECO packaging for food products, agricultural products; organic and organo-mineral complexes, mono-feeds for crop production; feed additives for livestock and aquaculture, ventilation systems for barns and much more.
It has been a tradition, on the second day of the exhibition, on March 16, the Farmer`s Day will be held under support of the Council of Farmers, Dehkan Farms and Owners of Household Land Plots. The Farmer`s Day has become the landmark of the exhibition, during which many meetings will be held with the participants of the exhibition and managers of farms and dehkan farms.
The official support is provided by:
· Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan
· Ministry of Investments, Industry and Trade of Uzbekistan
· Council of Farmers, Dehkan Farms and Household Lands of Uzbekistan
· Parrandasanoat Association
· Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan
Organisational support: Uzexpocentre NEC
Event organiser: Iteca Exhibitions International Exhibition Company and its partner ICA Eurasia Group.
For more information, please contact the Iteca Exhibitions Press Office:
Tel.: + (998 71) 205 18 18, + (998 94) 800 18 18