20th Anniversary International Exhibition on Agriculture - AgroWorld Uzbekistan 2025

11 - 13 March 2025, Uzexpocentre NEC / Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Press releases

The 15th Anniversary International Exhibition Agriculture – AgroWorld Uzbekistan 2020 will be held March 11 - 13 2020 in Tashkent at Uzexpocentre NEC.

Agriculture is traditionally considered to be one of the leading industries in Uzbekistan. Currently, one of the primary objectives of the industry’s further effective development still includes increased farm production output and export potential of the agricultural sector. The Agriculture Development Strategy for 2020-2030 approved by the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated October 23, 2019, has become a new development thrust of state reforms in this field.

At the same time, the most important direction for the further sustainable and effective development of agriculture in Uzbekistan is implementation of innovative agricultural technologies and provision of the sector with high-performance agricultural machinery. To accomplish these objectives, the best practices adopted from a number of foreign countries are being actively implemented, which countries will directly participate in the largest industry exhibition Agriculture - AgroWorld Uzbekistan.

AgroWorld is one of the major international events in the agricultural industry of Uzbekistan, which annually brings together industry professionals, investors, government officials, independent experts, and owners of dekhkan farms to demonstrate modern technologies in poultry and livestock farming, veterinary medicine, and vegetable, fruit, and grain processing.

Agriculture – ArgoWorld Uzbekistan that has always been a major event in Uzbekistan is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. Over the years, around 1,000 international companies have participated in the exhibition, with the number of its professional visitors exceeding 37,000 people.

The current sections of AgroWorld Uzbekistan 2020 include Equipment for poultry and livestock industry; Mixed fodder, veterinary; Equipment for grain storage and processing; Fruit and vegetables - storage and processing; Greenhouse equipment; Feeds, supplementary feeds, veterinary; Agricultural machinery, irrigation equipment, agrochemicals, planting stock.

The exhibition will host 170 leading domestic and international companies from 20 countries, namely, Austria, Armenia, Belgium, the Republic of Belarus, Germany, Canada, China, France, Italy, Kazakhstan, the Republic of Korea, Latvia, Poland, the Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, the UK, and Uzbekistan. It is worth pointing out that it will be the debut participation in AgroWorld Uzbekistan for 44 companies, of which 6 exhibitors are domestic manufacturers.

This is the first time at this exhibition for exhibitors from Turkey to experience the format of National Pavilion where over 70 companies will showcase their products. The Russian Federation is represented by collective regional expositions of the Omsk, Voronezh, and Tver Regions.

The AgroWorld Uzbekistan 2020 will showcase turnkey greenhouse design and construction technologies. The exhibitors will demonstrate modern solutions for growing, management, feeding and health care of live-stock animals and poultry. The participants in the exhibition-2020 will also include leading foreign suppliers of breeding stock for meat and milk production.

One of the most anticipated AgroWorld Uzbekistan 2020 events is Farmers’ Day. On the second day of the exhibition, March 12, 2020, the exhibition will host farm managers from various regions of Uzbekistan to hold direct negotiations with manufacturers and suppliers of agricultural equipment, technologies, and other products. As a matter of tradition, the Farmers’ Day has been held as part of the AgroWorld exhibition since 2009; it represents a good opportunity for farmers of Uzbekistan to annually learn about the latest advances and implementation of modern technologies in agricultural industry.

The complete list of participants is available on the exhibition website at www.agroworld.uz

The exhibition is traditionally held under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan and the Council of Farmers, Dekhkan Farms, and Owners of Household Land Plots of Uzbekistan.

The Business Programme of AgroWorld Uzbekistan 2020 will be represented by a number of specialized events which include Uzbekistan Global Agro Forum - UGAF 2020, presentations, master classes, professional meetings and discussions.

Uzbekistan Global Agro Forum - UGAF 2020 will be held during the first two days of the exhibition, March 11-12, 2020. At the Plenary Session, the Minister of Agriculture of Uzbekistan will present the strategy for the national agricultural industry development.

The main subject of the first day of the Forum will cover the implementation of digital technologies in agriculture. The relevant presentations will be made by National Project Advisor; OSCE Project Co-Ordinator in Uzbekistan; the World Bank’s lead economist, the Director General of the Russian company RusAgroMarket; Executive Director and founder of the American company Agrometrics; representative of John Deere, the world`s largest manufacturer of agricultural machinery, and many others.

On the second day of the Forum, the experts will discuss prospects and dynamics of the livestock and poultry industries.

The Director General of the Uzbekistan Agribusiness Association, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, and the representative of Protein Plus Company will speak at the Forum.

And on March 12, 2020, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), OSCE Project Co-Ordinator in Uzbekistan, and Agromart.uz, Uzbekistan’s largest platform for provision of digital services to agricultural producers will deliver a training on Implementation of Innovations and Improvement of Agriculture Management Techniques (stand No. A4, Pavilion 1).

At the end of the Forum, the representatives of RusAgroMarket, Russian Agricultural Holding, will make a presentation.

For more information about Business Programme events, please visit https://iteca.uz/agroworld/rus/BusinessProgramme/.

The international exhibition AgroWorld Uzbekistan is a unique platform to attract the professional target audience: manufacturers, dealers, distributors, and professional and private ultimate customers. It is the largest business event in the agro-industrial sector, participation in which contributes to extension of cooperation between organizations, enterprises, firms and investors.

We look forward to seeing you among the visitors to the 15th Anniversary International Exhibition
Agriculture – AgroWorld Uzbekistan 2020.