20th Anniversary International Exhibition on Agriculture - AgroWorld Uzbekistan 2025

11 - 13 March 2025, Uzexpocentre NEC / Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Press releases

AgroWorld Uzbekistan - Global Trends for Farmers in Uzbekistan

AgroWorld Uzbekistan - Global Trends for Farmers in Uzbekistan

The 17th International Exhibition Agriculture - AgroWorld Uzbekistan 2022 will start its activity on March 16, 2022 at the Uzexpocentre NEC.

AgroWorld Uzbekistan is one of the major international events in the agricultural sector of Uzbekistan, which demonstrates modern technologies in animal husbandry, poultry farming, veterinary medicine, vegetable and fruit processing, grain storage, greenhouses and the latest agricultural technology.

The exhibition plays the key role in developing procurement plans and modernization of companies engaged in production, processing and storage of agricultural produce.

AgroWorld Uzbekistan will be held for three days, from March 16 to March 18, 2022 , and will occupy two central pavilions of the Uzexpocentre NEC (Pavilions 1 and 2).

In Uzbekistan, many integrated projects on agricultural development are implemented, new technologies are transferred that bring the agri-food sector to a new level, making life and work easier for specialists involved in this industry. Agriculture is among the leading sectors of the Uzbek economy, accounting for approximately 28.5% of GDP. It employs about 4.2 million people, which is more than 30% of the total employment in the country.

AgroWorld Uzbekistan is transforming along with the market. Today, it is a unique exhibition for the industry, where the entire production chain of the agricultural industry is concentrated on one platform: From the latest developments in breeding and crop production up to the final food products. It is at the exhibition site where local producers can find technologies to help fully equip their production cycle.

The latest innovations and current ideas in the industry, including those created under the influence of restrictions during COVID-19, are waiting for specialists at this year`s exhibition.

More than 100 companies from 14 countries have confirmed their participation in the exhibition: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

For the convenience of visitors, the exposition is divided into several sectors: 1. Poultry Farming, Animal Feeds. 2. Grain, Storage and Processing. 3. Greenhouse Economy.

Pavilion No. 1 will bring together the international developers and sellers of equipment and technologies for grain, flour-grinding and oilseeds industries. To date, 56 grain clusters of Uzbekistan have registered in the exhibition for meetings and negotiations with participants from Germany, Turkey and Russia.

The same pavilion will showcase solutions for greenhouses, from vegetable crops, plant protection, fertilizers, hydroponics, irrigation and covering material, to establishment of orchards and proposals for fruit sorting and processing.

The only site in Uzbekistan with solutions for poultry farming will be presented in Pavilion No. 2: equipment for poultry farms, poultry and egg producers, including processing, freezing and packaging lines. And also, to the attention of specialists - proposals for cluster-type meat processing companies that have their own livestock and feed base.

Among the debutants of the exhibition: Micro Solutions (Kazakhstan) - laboratory equipment for veterinary medicine: microscopes, microbiological analyzers, scanners and instruments; Europack (Russia) - transportation of bulk and bulk cargo: legumes, oil crops, Advice & Consulting S.r.l. (Italy) - turnkey gardens, cold storage, calibration and packaging lines.

Domestic companies are also widely represented - these are both producers and joint ventures with companies from a number of foreign countries.

Among the companies from Uzbekistan: Zarafshon Grand Boglari - a greenhouse farm using the hydroponics method, the production of high-quality tomato products based on technologies from the Netherlands and Turkey; Irrizone - irrigation systems and modern garden tools from European manufacturers; Indorama Kokand Fertilizers and Chemicals - will present mineral fertilizers under the Oltin brand; Ilyasov - is the first Uzbek agro-integrator that exports agricultural products from Uzbekistan exclusively according to the quality standards of the leading network retailers in Russia; Hi-tech water systems is one of the leading companies in the field of water purifiers; iinnovative solutions for various industries in the field of reverse osmosis water treatment system, multi-layer filtration systems, and wastewater treatment systems.

Joint ventures: Asya Sera Navoiy (Uzbekistan + Turkey) - a supplier of fruits and vegetables grown in modern Turkish-made greenhouses; Gavrish Asia (Uzbekistan + Russia) - Russian vegetable seeds; Peng sheng crop protection (Uzbekistan + China) - fertilizers, plant growth stimulants; Tian cheng modern agricultural equipment technology (Uzbekistan + China) - drip irrigation and Yushen Plastic (Uzbekistan + China) - irrigation systems.

Among foreign countries, the national exposition of Turkey will traditionally be presented, which includes 39 companies which will demonstrate modern technologies in various areas at the exhibition: equipment for poultry farms, mill equipment, ventilation and cooling of rooms, flour packaging equipment, drip irrigation, sprayers and spreaders fertilizers, grain storage systems and much more.

From the Russian Federation, 21 companies will take part, including collective stands of the Voronezh region, Tatarstan, Dagestan and the Krasnodar Region. At their stands it will be possible to get to find the latest achievements in the field of organic fertilizers, agricultural machinery, equipment for flour mills, vacuum barrier films, drying equipment, etc.

Every year the number of participants from the Netherlands increases. This year, 10 companies will come to the exhibition to present poultry farm equipment, poultry slaughter and processing equipment, egg collection systems, poultry processing systems, water conservation and resource recovery equipment, incubators, hybrids and different varieties of vegetables and much more.

It is also worth noting 6 companies from Germany, where you can see pellet mills for the feed industry, equipment for keeping, rearing and fattening poultry and pigs, processing technologies, equipment for oil mills, cage equipment for keeping laying hens and equipment for feed industry.

Traditionally, on the second day of the exhibition, March 17, it is planned to hold the a "Farmer`s Day". During the event, meetings will be held with the participants of the exhibition for managers and chief specialists of farms and dehkan farms. The event is supported by the Council of Farmers, Dekhkan Farms and Owners of Household Land Plots of Uzbekistan.

Event Organizer: International Exhibition Company Iteca Exhibitions and its partner ICA Group.

Official support is provided by:

• Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan • Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan • Council of Farmers, Dehkan Farms and Owners of Household Land Plots of Uzbekistan • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan

With organizational assistance: Uzexpocentre NEC

General media partner: National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan (NTRC)

The information partner of the exhibition is JSCB "Agrobank" (AgroZamin) - a single electronic platform for expanding business opportunities and geography of activities for Uzbek farmers.


The exhibition, like all events of Iteca Exhibitions, will be held in strict compliance with the requirements of epidemiological norms and rules established by the Special Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the World Health Organization.

Information support:

For more information, please contact the Iteca Exhibitions Press Office.
Tel: + (998 71) 205 18 18, fax: + (998 71) 237 22 72
E-mail: pr@iteca.uz; www.iteca.uz