20th Anniversary International Exhibition on Agriculture - AgroWorld Uzbekistan 2025

11 - 13 March 2025, Uzexpocentre NEC / Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Press releases

Innovations and the latest trends in the development of the agricultural industry at AgroWorld Uzbekistan 2021

The industry international exhibition "Agriculture – AgroWorld Uzbekistan 2021", the first after the pandemic, closes the spring exhibition season of Iteca Exhibitions. The event will expand its exposition from June 15 to 17 at the capital`s Uzexpocentre, occupy two pavilions and traditionally become the main show for all farmers of Uzbekistan.

The agricultural sector plays a key role in Uzbekistan`s economic growth. The Republic consistently implements a well-thought-out strategy for the development of the industry, aimed at ensuring the country`s food safety. This approach to the production of fruit and vegetable products, as an important part of the entire system of life support of the population, maintaining its health, as well as creating employment conditions, has become one of the main vectors of the state`s economic and social policy.

The agricultural sector shows a steady growth rate of up to 6-7 % per year. These indicators make Uzbekistan one of the leading countries in the CIS in the production of fruits and vegetables, fruits, grapes, as the soil and climatic conditions of the country allows to grow almost all types of agricultural crops. Today, Uzbekistan is a major exporter of more than 150 types of fresh and processed fruit and vegetable products.

At the same time, the most important direction of further sustainable and effective development of agriculture in Uzbekistan remains the introduction of innovative agricultural technologies and its equipment with high-performance agricultural machinery. To fulfill these tasks, the best practices of many foreign countries are being actively mastered, representatives of which are taking part in the largest industry exhibition of Uzbekistan – "Agriculture – AgroWorld Uzbekistan", which will be held in Tashkent for the 16th time.

Every year, the exhibition brings together major industry players and leading manufacturers who present the latest world-class technologies. This year, 95 companies from 12 countries are coming to the exhibition, including Belgium, Germany, Italy, China, the Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.

The exhibition is divided into thematic pavilions:

Pavilion No. 3 – Processing and storage of grain products, greenhouses, seeds, fertilisers, irrigation. The pavilion will bring together major manufacturers who will present solutions for sowing grain and seeds, selecting fertilisers and plant protection products, equipment for soil treatment, crop care, harvesting, and many more.

Pavilion No. 4 – Poultry, animal husbandry and mixed feeds. This pavilion will cover the full cycle of the technological line of slaughter, primary processing and processing of poultry and livestock - from breeding and maintenance to freezing and packaging of meat.

Traditionally, Turkish manufacturers are represented at the exhibition with national participation. 42 leading companies of the industry will demonstrate their latest developments in the field of greenhouse farming, flour and grain production, equipment for poultry farms, packaging and storage technologies.

This year, the collective exposition presents three regions of the Russian Federationthe Udmurt Republic, the Rostov and Moscow Oblasts. The companies in the collective participation will bring with them agricultural technologies, equipment for waste processing, seedlings, seeds and fertilisers.

It is worth noting the high interest in the exhibition from the Dutch manufacturers, which is growing from year to year. This time, 6 leading companies will present their equipment in the field of poultry farming, animal husbandry and greenhouse production.

Among the debutants of this year`s exhibition: Certhon (Netherlands), Eggersmann GmbH (Germany), Preserved Food Specialty (Thailand), Shchelkovo Agrohim (Russia), Bionovatic (Russia), Angel East Rus (Russia), Kubo (Holland), Artes Politecnica (Italy), Glazovsky Feed Mill (Russia) and others.

Domestic exhibitors are represented in the sectors of drip irrigation, animal feed and fertilisers, including Agro Express Aziya LLC, Agrovethimoya LLC, Go`zal Tabiat LLC, Oscarfeed LLC and others.

The second day of the exhibition is the traditional Farmers` Day, which is held with the support of the Council of Farmers, Dehkan Farms and Owners of Household Lands of Uzbekistan. On this day, farmers from the regions of the Republic come together to get acquainted with foreign experience, choose products or services and communicate directly with manufacturers and suppliers of a wide range of products presented at the exhibition.


Business programme

One of the strategically important events of the industry – the 2nd Uzbekistan Global Agro Forum – UGAF will be held within the framework of the exhibition for the second time with the official support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan and in partnership with the OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan.

The organisation of the forum is aimed at the exchange of experience and best practices, the integration of partnerships, the expansion of inter-sectoral cooperation, and a lively discussion of the immediate future of the production, processing and distribution of environmentally friendly products in Uzbekistan and abroad.

В 2020 году, Министерство сельского хозяйства Республики Узбекистан презентовало участникам форума «Стратегию развития Сельского хозяйства на 2020 – 2030 годы». В этом году, в первой половине дня форума – 15 июня, участники форума смогут ознакомиться с результатами работы стратегии за прошедший год, а именно с одним из ключевых реализуемых направлений в рамках данной стратегии – Система сельскохозяйственных знаний и инноваций, проект AKIS (Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System - AKIS), который представляет собой план преобразований для улучшения способов генерирования, обмена и использования сельскохозяйственных знаний и информации в Узбекистане, катализируя создание и распространение практических идей, которые могут преобразовать аграрную отрасль и сельское хозяйство по всей стране. В основе системы лежит необходимость укрепления отношений между всеми ключевыми государственными, частными и общественными институтами, участвующими в развитии сельского хозяйства на всех уровнях.

In 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan presented the "Strategy for the development of agriculture for the years 2020 – 2030" to the participants of the forum. This year, in the first half of the forum day – on June 15, the forum participants will be able to get acquainted with the results of the strategy over the past year, namely, with one of the key areas implemented within the framework of this strategy – the AKIS (Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System), which is a transformation plan to improve the way agricultural knowledge and information is generated, shared and used in Uzbekistan, catalyzing the creation and dissemination of practical ideas that can transform the agricultural industry and agriculture across the country. The system is based on the need to strengthen relations between all key government, private and public institutions involved in the development of agriculture at all levels.

Also, within the framework of the forum, the project "Agromart" will be presented - a digital platform that is the largest provider of digital services for agricultural producers in Uzbekistan. The project is supported by the OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan.

On the second day - June 16, within the framework of the UGAF, an off-site demo tour will be organised for the presentation of the AKIS system to international guests of the exhibition with the participation of the responsible Deputy Ministers of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Organisers, as a socially responsible company, have carefully prepared to ensure a safe environment for the health of exhibitors and visitors. The AgroWorld Uzbekistan exhibition will be held in strict compliance with all the norms and requirements established by the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Special Republican Commission for Combating Coronavirus, as well as the standards developed by the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI).


Official support for the exhibition is provided by:

·         The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan

·         The Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan

·         The Council of Farmers, Dehkans and Owners of Household Lands of Uzbekistan

·         The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan

Organisational support: "Uzexpocentre" NEC JSC

Bronze Sponsor of the 2nd Uzbekistan Global Agro Forum UGAF: Agrisovgaz

Information Partner of the exhibition: Agromart

Technical Partner: Led Design Group


The event is organised by International exhibition companies Iteca Exhibitions and its partner – ICA Eurasia.

For more information, please contact the Press service of Iteca Exhibitions
Tel: + (998 71) 205 18 18, fax: + (998 71) 237 22 72
E-mail: pr@iteca.uz; www.iteca.uz